
南京天光電氣科技有限公司是專業(yè)從事研發(fā)及生產(chǎn)各種力敏傳感器、壓力變送器、智能儀表、電子稱重系統(tǒng)及稱重物聯(lián)網(wǎng)產(chǎn)品的高科技企業(yè)。產(chǎn)品廣泛應用于冶金、化工、軍工、交通、能源、機械制造、建材等行業(yè)的自動化控制領域。在工業(yè)4.0版革命及中國制造2025背景下,測控產(chǎn)業(yè)不斷走向數(shù)字化、無線化、動態(tài)化、信息化,天光公司順勢而為,其產(chǎn)品全面覆蓋從最底層的感知層(傳感器+儀表),到中間的網(wǎng)絡層(通訊模塊),再到上層的應用層(服務器+手機/電腦客戶端),天光物聯(lián)網(wǎng)旨在為客戶提供一整套完整解決方案。 公司正沿著“國際化、科技化、多元化、集團化、服務化”的發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,依托天光總公司20多年的傳感器生產(chǎn)經(jīng)驗和規(guī)模化的生產(chǎn)基地,為建設國際一流的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)公司而努力邁進。
Nanjing Tianguang Electrical Technology Co., Ltd. is specialized in research and development and production of various force-sensitive sensors, pressure transmitters, smart meters, electronic weighing systems and weighing the networking products of high-tech enterprises. Products are widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, military, transportation, energy, machinery manufacturing, building materials and other industries more automated control. In the industrial revolution and the Chinese version of the 2025 manufacturing 2025 background, the Measurement and control industry continues to digital, wireless, dynamic, information technology, homeopathic company, its products cover the bottom from the bottom of the sensing layer (sensor + instrument) To the middle of the network layer (communication module), and then to the upper application layer (server + mobile / computer client), Tianguang things designed to provide customers with a complete set of solutions. The company is along the "internationalization, science and technology, diversification, the Group of services" of the development strategy, relying on Tianguang Corporation for more than 20 years of experience in production and large-scale production base for the construction of world-class networking companies Efforts forward.
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  • VIP [第4年] 指數(shù):1
  • 聯(lián)系人成先生(先生)    
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  • 所在地江蘇省 南京市
  • 地址南京市雨花臺區(qū)錦繡街5號綠地之窗C-5幢844室
  • 郵編210000
  • 主營行業(yè)稱重傳感器,電力覆冰檢測傳感器,扭矩傳感器,拉力傳感器,軸銷傳感器,壓力傳感器,拉壓力傳感器,油田載荷傳感器
  • 公司類型事業(yè)單位或社會團體
  • 經(jīng)營模式制造商
  • 公司規(guī)模50-99人
  • 注冊年份2016
  • 銷售產(chǎn)品稱重傳感器,電力覆冰檢測傳感器,扭矩傳感器,拉力傳感器,軸銷傳感器,壓力傳感器,拉壓力傳感器,油田載荷傳感器
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中國智能化網(wǎng)(zgznh®)--引領工業(yè)智能化產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展 共享智能化+優(yōu)質(zhì)平臺

版權所有:深圳市智控網(wǎng)絡有限公司 學術指導:深圳市智能化學會


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