
北京桑泰•固珀儀器儀表有限公司是國(guó)內(nèi)領(lǐng)先的氣體流量測(cè)量和液位控制領(lǐng)域產(chǎn)品的專(zhuān)業(yè)制造商,主要產(chǎn)品有熱式氣體質(zhì)量流量計(jì)、外貼式超聲波液位開(kāi)關(guān)、超聲波物/液位計(jì)。 桑泰•固珀公司具有十年專(zhuān)業(yè)對(duì)氣體質(zhì)量流量測(cè)量與控制的先進(jìn)經(jīng)驗(yàn),國(guó)內(nèi)獨(dú)家生產(chǎn)的GFM200熱式氣體質(zhì)量流量計(jì)已被多所高校國(guó)家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室、石油、石化、電力、冶金、鋼鐵、醫(yī)藥、食品等系統(tǒng)廣泛應(yīng)用。采用專(zhuān)有技術(shù)的外貼式超聲波液位開(kāi)關(guān),為石油石化等行業(yè)儲(chǔ)罐液位測(cè)量報(bào)警及儲(chǔ)罐安全提供了良好的保障。 桑泰•固珀公司已經(jīng)與國(guó)內(nèi)的清華大學(xué)、華中科技大學(xué)、勝利油田、廣西石化、齊魯石化、華能集團(tuán)、首鋼、福田藥業(yè)等多家企業(yè)建立長(zhǎng)期友好合作關(guān)系,產(chǎn)品同時(shí)遠(yuǎn)銷(xiāo)俄羅斯秋明石油公司、哈薩克斯坦PK石油公司、伊朗阿巴丹煉油廠(chǎng)、德國(guó)魯爾燃?xì)夤尽荻瘓F(tuán)等多個(gè)國(guó)家的企業(yè)。 Beijing Suntey•Guper Instrument Company Limited is on top of professional manufacturers of the products in gas mass flow measure and liquid-level control fields. The main products are thermal gas mass flow meter, outside-attached ultrasonic liquid-level switch, and ultrasonic object/liquid level meter. Suntey•Guper company has ten years advanced professional experience in gas mass flow measure and control. The GFM200 Thermal Gas Mass flow meter, which is solely made by us in China, has been widely used by key national labs of many universities, and in petroleum, petrochemical, electric power, metallurgy, steel, medication, and foodstuff systems, etc. Its outside-attached ultrasonic liquid-level switches with proprietary technology, provides good safeguard for storage tank liquid-level measure warning and tank storage safety in petroleum and petrochemical industries and etc. Suntey•Guper company has established long-term cooperation relations with many counterparts in China including Qinghua University, Huazhong Technology University, Shengli Oil Field, Guangxi petrochemical, Qilu petrochemical, Huaneng group, Captial steel, and Futian Pharmaceuticals, etc. The products, at the same time, are sold to companies from many countries, such as Russia Tyumen Oil company, Kazakhstan PK Oil company, Iran Abadan oil refining company, Germany Ruhrgas company , Bayer Group, etc.
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  • VIP [第4年] 指數(shù):1
  • 聯(lián)系人王小姐(先生) 銷(xiāo)售人員   
  • 會(huì)員 [加為商友] [發(fā)送信件]
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  • 傳真
  • 所在地北京市
  • 地址北京市昌平區(qū)科技園富康路18號(hào)
  • 郵編102200
  • 主營(yíng)行業(yè)生產(chǎn)制造
  • 公司類(lèi)型企業(yè)單位
  • 注冊(cè)年份1992
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